Mar 30Liked by GrimGriz


This guy shifted my axes around the other day. Great essay Grim.

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bubblicious .. Do our savings throws protect against bad attitudes?

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The eternal swerve of Lucretius, as described in ‘De rerum natura,’ and the 'pataphysical clinamen—Oh, this one is a perfect bullseye, General! 🎯😊

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My wife did a Tarot reading of me and I have yet to do one for her. The Emperor was in there. Tragically he turned out to be one of those mad ones. Humility and the Sacred are at a balance point. Slipping on muddy humiliation into profanity is the last thought on the royal couple’s minds before the revolutionary bullet comes through. Desire not to be sacred and profanity is just a river of faith that has dried up. We can be mudskippers. The alignment is a view of the world—profane sleep and sacred swimming. Chaos and Order are relative to the creature that rolls the Perception check.

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